Friday, November 7, 2008

Cycling is good for the heart

A major review done jointly by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the American College of Sports Medicine found out that 12% of all deaths in the US could be attributed to a lack of physical activity.

This is a pity, as the figure could be greatly cut down. Benefits are seen with a very low mileage. Even new cyclists starting out wiht a short distance once a week can reduce their risk of sudden death by 22%. And the benefit increases with increasing mileage. According to the British Health Foundation, cycling around 30km a week will reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by half.

So you don't need to ride a "round island" around Singapore every week, although that would speak volumes of physical determination. Just a leisurely ride every weekend (or even every other weekend) with family and friends will do much to reduce the risk of chronic and acute heart disease.

Study of cycling in Oxfordshire
Benefits of Cycling

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