Thursday, July 23, 2009

Guide to cycling

An excellent guide from the Guardian on cycling. Some stuff is not applicable to Singaporeans, but most of it is good advice.

It covers the basics of cycling, cycle gear and basic bike maintenance, and some beautiful routes in the UK.

Ghost bikes

The Guardian reports that "ghost bikes", or bikes all in white, have been appearing across the UK in streets where cyclists have died due to road accidents. Apparently, its a reminder to motorists and cyclists alike to practice safe habits on the roads.

Are they effective? Watch this video to find out.

'Cheap, accessible, and democratic'

Matt Seaton writes in the Guardian:

When asked what their favourite invention of all time is, what do you suppose people say? Mobile phones get some votes; computers, too; iPods, inevitably. And there are always some people who love their car and couldn't imagine life without it. If it's a poll conducted by a radio programme, some will generously nominate the transistor for making their listening possible. But what comes out top? The bicycle, every time.

Read the full article in the Guardian.

I wonder whether Singaporeans actually like bicycles, despite what frequent online blog posts and letters to the Straits Times say?