Monday, March 30, 2009

OCBC Cycle Singapore Criterium

Click here for Cycling News' report.

Friday, March 27, 2009

A group of Malaysian cyclists are planning to cycle to commemorate Earth Hour.

In Melbourne, cyclists are pedalling to power up Earth Hour.

In Tel Aviv, there is also a similar effort with a metal concert.
I wonder if any Singaporean groups are doing the same?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Cycle Asia

Five cyclists started a tour of Southeast Asia on 20th March from Kuala Lumpur. Their trip will take them through Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, ending in Cambodia.

Their journey will be featured on Global Travel Pack. Watch this space for updates.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It is important to properly maintain your bicycle's drivetrain, especially in the hot and humid climate of Singapore. See the Youtube video below for some tips.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

UK cyclists will receive less accident compensation if not wearing a helmet

A British High Court judge has ruled that cyclists who fail to wear a helmet should receive less compensation for injuries results from accidents.

Click here for an article by the Telegraph on the ruling. Perhaps this may affect decisions by Singapore courts?

Safe Cycling doesn't happen by accident

Safe bicycle riding doesn't hap pen by accident. Part of staying safe on a bicycle is to know when and where you could be in most peril and taking action to prevent an accident from happening.

According to the League of American Bicyclists (LAB), 80 percent of bicycle/car collisions occur at intersections and 90 percent of all bicycle accidents happen in front of the cyclist. So it stands to reason that if a cyclist understands the potential dangers, he should be able to practice sound riding habits and avoidance techniques to protect his well being.

Click here for advice on how to ride when encountering potentially dangerous situations. (When reading the article, remember that the US has left-hand drive unlike Singapore.)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Cycling, an alternative mode of transport: Transport Ministry

The Transport Ministry has unveiled several measures aimed at promoting cycling as an alternative mode of transport in Singapore.
Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Transport Teo Ser Luck told members of parliament that the Land Transport Authority will roll out a $43 million programme to design and construct dedicated cycling tracks next to pedestrian footpaths in HDB estates.
" Where there is enough space, these tracks will be physically separate from the footpaths, allowing cyclists to have a truly dedicated path. In more restricted areas, the tracks will be joined to the existing pedestrian footpath but they will have painted markings clearly defining and identifying them for cyclists, like what you see in our park connectors. "

Click here for the full article.